Today, our company has two priority areas: representing the interests of a number of factories - manufacturers in the Republic of Uzbekistan and supplying spare parts for mining, construction, special equipment, as well as engines and cars of various brands.
The «ROSPROMIMPORT» Сompany was founded in 2007 with the aim of representing the interests of Russian manufacturers in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan. During the work of the company, we have established effective communication with both Russian and Uzbek partners. Our clients are such large enterprises of Uzbekistan as: Almalyk MMC JSC, Uzmetkombinat JSC, Uzelectroapparat-Elektroshchit JSC, Agricultural Equipment Plant JSC (former TTZ), etc.
We offer equipment, raw materials and supplies from the following manufacturers for delivery:
- «Kirovgrad hard alloys plant» (KZTS) JSC (Kirovgrad)
- «COMPOSIT» Scientific Industrial Association LLC (Kursk)
- «Yegoryevsk plant of rubber-technical products» LLC (Egoryevsk)
- «Chemical Plant named after L.Y. Karpov» JSC (Mendeleevsk)
- «Chelyabinsk Plant «Teplopribor» OJSC (Chelyabinsk)
- «ERIS» GC (Chaikovsky)
- «NPP «AUTOMATICA» JSC (Vladimir)
- «Safe Technologies» Industrial Group (г. Санкт-Петербург)
- «EnergoPromAgregat» LLC (Voskresnsk, Moscow region)
- «LECO» Corporation (Saint Joseph MI 49085, USA)
- «Special engeneering» (Moscow)
As a dealer and distributor of the above-mentioned enterprises in Uzbekistan, our company has the official right to conclude the contracts on delivery of the entire range of products produced by these plants.